Hair Loss Treatment

Best Hair Loss Treatment

Your Confidence

Your hair reflects your style and taste, frames your face, and highlights your most remarkable features. Many people, unfortunately, start losing their hair at a young age. Are you looking for a hair loss treatment that can help you regain your self-esteem and improve your body image? Our board-certified providers can offer you hair loss treatments when you need them the most.

Hair loss not only causes discomfort but can also be a source of mental distress. Fortunately, we can help you improve your condition by using various techniques and non-surgical hair loss treatment options.

By consulting with our experts, you can receive a personalized treatment program based on your hair features, the severity of your hair loss, and your cosmetic goals.

PRF Hair Restoration

We combine two different techniques in one treatment session to provide you maximum effect:

  • Platelet-Rich Fibrin injections – Technicians draw a small sample of a patient’s own blood and spin it in a centrifuge to separate out fibrin and platelets, which are injected into balding areas to help stimulate collagen production and encourage new hair growth. It requires less blood and has much better results than PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma)
  • Microneedling – Microneedling helps spread spread PRF evenly into the deeper layers which aims to promote hair growth.

Prevent Hair Loss and Thinning

Prevent Hair Loss
and Thinning

Our treatments can successfully prevent hair loss and thinning. And before you start to notice improved hair growth, you’ll realize that the degree of your hair loss isn’t as bad as it used to be before the treatment.

Less hair loss means the issue is being addressed effectively and that the treatment is moving in the right direction.

Our treatments can successfully prevent hair loss and thinning. And before you start to notice improved hair growth, you’ll realize that the degree of your hair loss isn’t as bad as it used to be before the treatment.

Less hair loss means the issue is being addressed effectively and the treatment is moving in the right direction.

Make Your Hair Grow Longer and Healthier

Our patients find it exciting and thrilling when they see new hair growth that they thought would never happen. As you go through the treatments, you’ll notice a significant change in how long and healthy your new hair becomes.

Boost Your Self-Confidence

Dealing with hair thinning and baldness can be an unpleasant experience, causing you to feel anxious or even depressed. But with successful and effective hair loss treatments, you can be back to your old self and enjoy looking and feeling your best.

FUE Hair Restoration

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is a new, minimally invasive hair restoration technique that allows men and women to fight hair loss and restore their own rich, thick hair naturally. FUE is a cutting-edge technology that allows for hair transplanting without invasive surgery or lengthy downtime.

The treatment involves delicately removing hair grafts from another part of the body which are then collected, sorted, and stored in a sterile environment. The grafts are then rapidly placed into the small openings of hairless spots, where they’re expected to survive and regrow into healthy hair.

Low-Level Laser Therapy

A low-level laser therapy treatment, known as LLLT, is a non-surgical, FDA-cleared treatment for thinning hair. It makes use of near-infrared light, which increases blood flow to the root of your hair follicles. As a result, more nutrients are supplied to each follicle, thus strengthening them and promoting healthy, optimal hair growth. Low-level laser therapy is also capable of triggering the growth of epidermal stem cells in your hair follicles.

The therapy is a highly effective way to stop hair loss. It is a suitable treatment for both men and women who are experiencing mild to moderate hair loss. It’s also non-invasive and requires no downtime.


Microneedling is a minimally invasive treatment that uses microscopic needles to generate tiny abrasions that trigger the body’s healing response. Hair development is initiated by proteins called “human growth factors,” which are naturally created by the body during normal tissue repair.

Microneedling is a simple, straightforward treatment that can take less than an hour to finish. It is ideal for those who have hectic schedules and busy lifestyles. If you are experiencing hair loss for the first time or have an advanced case, microneedling can be beneficial for restoring your hair growth.

Hair Growth Medications

Certain drugs may be beneficial to people who suffer from hair thinning or shedding. Finasteride for men and Minoxidil for both men and women are the two most common treatments. Both are FDA-approved and serve different purposes in the treatment of hair loss.

These two products may help slow hair loss and even thicken existing hair. However, they’re not much help once the hair is completely gone or you have baldness. Medications cannot cause the regrowth of a new hair shaft. Furthermore, if you stop taking either hair growth medication for any reason, you might lose the benefits of the treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions

Asked Questions

We can help you address your hair loss issues, whether you’re a man or a woman. Usually, women’s hair loss isn’t as apparent as men’s hair loss, but we can still treat it with successful outcomes. Male pattern baldness is responsible for almost all hair loss problems in men and can also be treated with modern techniques.

Various conditions and circumstances can cause hair loss. Regardless of the reason for your thinning hair, you may seek treatment and prevent further hair loss. Multiple causes of hair loss may coexist, which we can attempt to identify and address.

During your initial consultation, we may ask about your medical history, including a list of all prescriptions you have taken. We may also perform a thorough scalp inspection and a complete nutritional evaluation. These tests and assessments will help us figure out the best form of treatment that can successfully manage your condition.

We’ll create a personalized hair loss treatment plan based on your body and hair type. We’ll only use proven therapies that will allow your body to regenerate and restore natural hair so that you can be confident about the results of your treatment.

Are you experiencing hair loss or balding and would like to see new, healthy hair growth? Call our office today and speak with one of our friendly staff members about scheduling a consultation. You won’t need to wait months for your hair loss treatment, and we can give you flexible appointment schedules. We believe you should only receive expert treatment and high-quality solutions.

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